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What We Do

What We Do

Waste management and waste services

We have a dedicated team committed to providing expert radioactive waste services. These include: 

  • Waste strategy and planning
  • Characterisation, including DQO and DQA
  • Characterisation modelling techniques
  • Supporting the management of compliance
  • On-site training and support
  • Transport and consignment, including DGSA support
  • Supporting waste-informed and waste-led decommissioning

Our team is well versed in safety case management and development, along with nuclear operations and transport management. We operate a large waste management facility, providing material handling, characterisation and waste processing, including:

  • Integrate waste tracking system
  • HRGS with the Q2 assay and portable ISOCs system
  • Material sampling
  • Sorting, segregation, batching and repackaging
  • Size reduction and drum crushing
  • Cable stripper for copper recycling
  • Solid and liquid encapsulation
  • Waste sorting enclosure supported by a dry extract system
  • Sizeable holdings for buffer and interim storage.
Storage of radiological materials image Storage of radiological materials image

Storage of radiological materials

We operate a secure storage facility where we are currently responsible for the safe management of over 95% of the UK’s uranic inventory, so the material is secured for the next 90 years. Our team ensures the contents of any material under our stewardship is protected, hazards are reduced, and materials remain safe for the duration of their storage. This includes a series of inspections of legacy cylinders, drums from Magnox fuel reprocessing and uranic materials from Urenco UK. We have in-house expertise of designing purpose-built facilities and developing bespoke management solutions, ranging from the treatment of materials to long term construction projects.

Decommissioning and land remediation

We provide waste-led decommissioning to the nuclear industry through experienced project management practices and waste-informed strategies. Our capabilities include:

  • Transitioning towards decommissioning: moving from nuclear operations to decommissioning
  • Decommissioning planning: identifying waste-led decommissioning strategies
  • Proven project management practices: carrying out large-scale projects for the industry

Engineering support

We have a proven track record of successfully maintaining Nuclear Decommissioning Authority assets and developing strategies for managing a number of materials. Our engineering team supports all aspects of the business and helps to ensure that we maintain high standards in safety, quality and environmental performance. We deliver this through four major strands of work:

Delivering projects in a nuclear context

Addressing the industry's unique and nuanced complexities with creative and results-focused engineers who develop bespoke solutions where "one size fits all" is rarely appropriate.

Asset management

Engineering experts manage the maintenance, performance improvement and decommissioning of our current plant assets, and can provide the same support to future operations at Capenhurst.

Technical authority

Engineering is embedded in the delivery of all operations, acting as the design authority and providing safety case support, and incorporates our intelligent customer capability.

Engineering personnel

Our team includes several Chartered Engineers from diverse backgrounds who possess knowledge and experience gained from many years working within the nuclear and other industries. 


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